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Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!



Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

February 02 2010
I find myself logged out every so often1, and the bug I'm reporting is that in the username/password part, the button you click to login, doesn't actually contain any text. It's just a blank button.

A second bug is lets say I go to a user's profile. and they have pictures, and they have those left/right arrows to go back/forward. What I've noticed is that once you view all the pictures, and click forward on the last pic, it wraps around to show you the first pic again. Except it doesn't. The full size pic doesn't show at all, it's now just a big white space. And clicking 'back' doesn't show you the last picture either - it's now a permanent white space. There's a little "Error on page" icon as well (at that point, but not before)

The third bug is subjective and elusive and borders on religious debate - I feel the performance of the forums is quite slow. We're a fairly small group (as compared to other online forums I have experience with, which are in the 10's of thousands of members), but it sometimes takes more than 10 seconds for a forum message to load here at swf. and it shouldn't. I wonder if any thought has been given to looking at performance improvements?

1either the login cookie expires, or my machine is munching them.
Rolando Castillo


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

February 02 2010
I'm still getting 'error on page' messages when I try to join a group. I've cleared my cache, rebooted, did all that fun stuff and I'm still getting messages.

Finally gave up. Not worth the trouble. :angry:

Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

February 02 2010
The Network software that we're using is kinda new and still in beta so some of those problems will crop up here and there for awhile. I"ll update it to the final release as soon as it comes available.

I completely agree that the sight loads slowly. I searched out our current host for sometime comparing reviews and price. From what I saw everyone loved our current host and it was rather cheap. Now I'm starting to see the price of that cheapness. I feel that they're cramming too many sites on the same server, but they won't admit this. I've tried to explained this to Tech support on multiple times, but all they do is say "Nicholas, I can access the site perfectly fine." I've started looking for a new business class host in the mean time.

Since our site uses a database for session handlers, I think the slowness of our database server is what's causing the problem. When accessing the site the connection is taking to long and the login is dropped.
Phil Cane


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

February 09 2010
Hi Guys - for some reason the site won't allow me to add friends - when I click add friends it's just like the button is not connected to anything & nothing happens! Any ideas? P :S
Rolando Castillo


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

February 10 2010
Ok, so this is the error message breakdown I get when I try to join the "Florida Fleeties" group. Any ideas on how to fix this on my end? Or is this a webpage issue?

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Timestamp: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:29:41 UTC

Message: Expected identifier, string or number
Line: 751
Char: 3
Code: 0

Message: Access is denied.

Line: 1234
Char: 4
Code: 0

Message: 'joms' is undefined
Line: 710
Char: 1
Code: 0

Message: 'joms' is undefined
Line: 710
Char: 1
Code: 0

Message: 'joms' is undefined
Line: 710
Char: 1
Code: 0

Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

February 10 2010
I haven't the foggiest what could be causing that error, but I went ahead and added you to the group through the back end.

Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

February 10 2010

What browser are you using? Try clearing your cache and internet files. The Add Friend button, I believe, uses JavaScript. Do you have that activated in your Privacy Settings?
Phil Cane


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post her

February 12 2010
Cheers - have now got it sorted - something to do with the vagaries of Microsoft I.E that I have - I love you Bill Gates.... am now running through Safari n its working fine :lol:
Brandon Felczer


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post her

March 29 2010
i have things like this happen as well; when I try a different browser it seems to work better.
Erik Kershner


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

March 29 2010
I had the add friends bug happen to me. If you are using IE, make sure you dont have compatibility view checked. (by the address bar) I unchecked that and havent had the problem since.

I hope this helps!


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

March 29 2010
I've tried fixing this issue several times and I just can't figure it out. It's a bit beyond my skills. My only suggestion is to try Firefox, even if just to add friends. I'm gonna be updating some things in the Network section over the next few weeks. It'll hopefully fix this issue for all the browsers that are having the problem.

Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 22 2010

I just updated the site. I was hoping it'd fix a lot of these types of issues. Although, I find it odd that you're having this problem with Firefox. That's the browser I use and it functions perfectly. The Java that you install on your computer should effect the functioning of this website at all. The javascripts that we use should run directly from the browser.

Have you changed any of the default security settings? Maybe you have it on a higher setting? That's the only thing I can think of that would prevent the pop ups to function incorrectly.


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

February 02 2011
Hey there...noticed a css issue with the login buttons. The text is appearing white on the light grey buttons making it unreadable. Attaching some screenshots. This appears for me in both Firefox 3.6 and IE 8 on all of the computers in my office.
Will Tubbert


Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 26 2011
Not specifically forum related, but I am getting increasingly more duplicate email notifications when a message is posted in one of the Groups (e.g. Crafting Corps, Battle Clinic, etc.). It started off as a triplicate (getting 3 emails) and the last set was 10(!!) emails of a single notification. I know my fiance (MikeyNY) is also having this issue. Is anyone else noticing this?
Edited April 26 2011 by MarkNine

Unknown Person

Re:Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 26 2011
I have noticed duplicate emails coming from group notifications but I've been getting no where near the 10x you have gotten, maybe 3x.
Christian Gilbert


Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 27 2011
Yeah, me too. If it's a personal email from another user I get it in triplicate. If it's something from the crafting corp I'm hit 10 times. :blink:

Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 27 2011
Yeah, this has been going on for awhile.

When it comes to the group messages, I think its caused by people hitting the submit button more then once. When you click the submit button, the site process the messages and queues that message to be sent to everyone in the group, which can take some time. While this happens, there is no noticeable difference on the page, which I think causes people to click the button multiple times.

I have no idea why personal messages do it, maybe the same reason?

I've been searching for a solution to this problem for sometime, but no luck so far.
Robert Lampke


Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 27 2011
yeah ive been getting them for along time. one time I had like 8 duplicates :lol:


Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 27 2011
I'm not sure if this will be helpful or not, but.... thought I'd spout off about some theories.

Based on my extensive PHP background (heh), it sounds like a multi-threading problem. I'm not a PHP expert, but I do know Java and general programming quite well (day job is working with Java on corporate finance systems.)

What's being described (sometimes it's 3, sometimes 8, sometimes 10) can be caused by multiple threads processing the mail queue. The 'simple' solution there is to make sure only one 'daemon' or thread processes the queue.

Multiple submits would queue up multiple emails, but I find users are generally unwilling to admit they've clicked the button 3, 8 or 10 times (which doesn't mean they didn't). Javascript on the submit button, or session tokens can be used to prevent multi-submits.

It's also possible there's a bad database join. Making sh*t up, let's say the user table that contains the email has multiple records (one for each edit you make to your profile). Only one of those records has the 'currentProfile' column set to true, which indicates which record is the current one. The other part of the system that queues up emails to people? It just records your username. The other code that emails then must join to the user table to retrieve your email address, but forgets about the 'currentProfile' column. So your email gets pulled 8 times (if you've made 7 edits to your profile). evidence for this: if you (you reading this) consistently get 'x' emails... make a simple edit to your profile and see if your next email is 'x+1'.

Finally, it's also possible that the emails are being re-sent, through some faulty re-try logic. Evidence for this: view the full headers... bad joins would show you nearly identical timestamps. If they're spread out a bit, it's some process that is re-sending because it thinks the first 'x' tries didn't work.

Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

June 18 2011
I think I may have found the issue with the site sending out multiple copies of the same email. Hopefully, it is, but time will only tell.