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Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

Linda Layne


Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 19 2012
Many thanks again! :) I don't know how you keep up with everything, you must NEVER sleep....or have any life to speak of.... ;)


Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 21 2012
Hey so this really isn't a forum error, but I seem to be unable to add a profile picture. After I click "upload" I just get a blank page. The title of the page still says "knights of stonewall etc." but it's still blank. Refreshing has no effect. Help?
Also, is there supposed to be a 200-character limit in the "about me" section of your profile? Cuz that's all I can type in, but it seems really short...
Benjamin Ethier


nonsavy internet user can't upload avatar...

May 11 2012
I've uploaded a photo to the site, but it just shows as a picart camera. When I try to upload a new pic as a new avatar the site times out on a blank screen... not a usual timeout error page, but literally will sit there all night with a pure white page. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? the file is a .jpg that is well below the 8mb limit.
Linda Layne


Re: nonsavy internet user can't upload avatar...

May 11 2012
This seems to be an ongoing problem that Nick is looking into but hasn't found an answer to as of yet. (Nick is our fearless leader ;)) I know someone else that had a similar issue said they were able to successfully upload a picture as a .png file instead of a .jpg so maybe if you try that you can get an avatar uploaded. Good luck, I know how frustrating these issues can be. I am very close to throwing my computer out the window because it keeps having various issues.... :angry:

Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

August 03 2012
Quote by Thrumdi
When I access a url with "mobiquo" in the address from the frontpage, it gives me a 404 error.

I assume this is something to do with posting from a mobile phone.

Yup, that's the connector to the Mobile app. The plugin needs updated really badly. :P I'll do it soon.
Richard Glidden


Photo problems?

August 03 2012
having such a hard time uploading photos, some will upload, some will not, sometimes it says file type not recognized, even though they're all .jpg tried with safari, chrome, ie, and firefox on pc and mac, giving me a headache.
Dave (Voleron)



February 05 2013
Quote by Traull
What makes Stonewall the best community is....

...that you can buy forum signatures for only 250,000 Energy Credits, at the Forum Signature Shop?

This is a bizarre thread ;)

I feel as though the thread creator should be sharing his feelings too :p
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Julien Bergeron



February 05 2013
Here's my thoughts:

.... That the PVE department is soooo helpful:P
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Unknown Person


February 05 2013
...the fact that though I never dared dream such a wonderful place would actually exist, it does. And that's marvelous. :)
4 people liked this


February 05 2013
What makes Stonewall the best community is those members that are dedicated to improving it and helping it grow.
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Unknown Person


February 05 2013
(Vol & Traull) Have you two been in the Romulan Ale again? :ohmy: My, you must be completely wasted, or you would conscientiously know that I am what makes this community the best. (Hey, you said a feel-good moment, and that felt great haha.)

To add a little heart to it though, I have personally witnessed amazing acts of kindness from some members of this community. We are the best because of those individuals. They are what makes us a community, and not just a fleet :) (And there's cake, too.)
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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk



February 05 2013
What makes Stonewall the best community is... You and everyone here! *hugs* :)
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Whittier Strong



February 05 2013
I had some trouble queuing a PvE a week or two ago, and ended up playing in a PUG without any fleetmates. It was a night-and-day difference. No wonder we've found each other. We're a haven from immaturity and poor manners.
Edward Lloris



February 06 2013
Clearly easy access to liquor. No when I was I way a did miss the comradely, there is almost someone always on... space is big and cold, in fact it's cold as hell, you make it better.
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John Wilson



February 06 2013
.... that we are undoubtedly the most diverse community in STO, which, combined with our tradition of mutual respect and common goals to help us bridge those differences, helps make us one of the richest.

And we're pretty damn funny sometimes, eh?
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Tsar Agus



February 06 2013
...We've evolved beyond the 10%
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Todd Overton



February 06 2013
... that ghettoes like Stonewall Fleet are no longer called ghettoes, now that gay culture has all but eradicated the physical ones and replaced them with virtual ones.
Whittier Strong



February 06 2013
Quote by Voleron
Quote by Traull
What makes Stonewall the best community is....

...that you can buy forum signatures for only 250,000 Energy Credits, at the Forum Signature Shop?

This is a bizarre thread ;)

I feel as though the thread creator should be sharing his feelings too :p

Voleron, you have GOT to make one for yourself! It's bad marketing if a producer doesn't use his own product. ;)
Dave (Voleron)



February 06 2013
Quote by SiranNataan
Voleron, you have GOT to make one for yourself! It's bad marketing if a producer doesn't use his own product. ;)

lol, it's in the works. I have to clear all of the other orders from the queue first! :)



February 06 2013
Quote by Traull
Here's my thoughts:

.... That the PVE department is soooo helpful:P

.... That the PvE Department is the BEST department


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