Neelix's eyes?

Whittier Strong


Neelix's eyes?

March 15 2015
I'm almost done working my way through Voyager, and there's something bugging the time out of me. I swear that Ethan Phillips started the series wearing orange contacts, but here in Season 7, his eyes look brown. I remember this was a big deal when he had his Mylean DNA activated and his eyes were quite dark compared to the rest of the series, and I've seen reference photos to double-check that they were indeed orange in the beginning. Do any of our hardcore Star Trek fans know why his eyes changed? Thanks.


Neelix's eyes?

March 15 2015
It's quite likely that the prosthetics were bothering his eyes and he stopped wearing the lenses.
Whittier Strong


Neelix's eyes?

March 15 2015
Ah, I know that's supposedly why they changed Jennifer Lien's hairstyle, because of irritation from the adhesive for the Ocampa ears, but I wonder if that's just speculation, since it's clear she's wearing the makeup at least once after the hairstyle change.
Whittier Strong


Neelix's eyes?

March 16 2015
I dug a little deeper, and apparently I wasn't paying attention. It seems his eyes started out brown, and he didn't start wearing the orange contacts until towards the end of Season 2. For the record, my Talaxian toon Wimmix has the lightest brown eyes available because that's as close as I could get to orange.
Jamie O'Connell


Re:Neelix's eyes?

April 03 2015

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Chris Mello


Neelix's eyes?

April 09 2015
So what you are saying is that even Neelix's eyes were annoying. I'm trying to decide of Neelix or Harry Kim is the Jar Jar Binks of the Star Trek Universe.
Alain Rojas


Neelix's eyes?

April 09 2015
Quote by Bonisagus
So what you are saying is that even Neelix's eyes were annoying. I'm trying to decide of Neelix or Harry Kim is the Jar Jar Binks of the Star Trek Universe.

Wesley Crusher! :lol: