Delta Recruitment Event

Unknown Person

Delta Recruitment Event

March 09 2015
This just in from Cryptic, what do you all think?

War is coming, and recruits are needed for the fight. It's time to sign up to protect the galaxy from the Iconians.

Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, and the Romulan Republic have all kicked up their recruiting efforts. New captains in any of these factions will be known as Delta Recruits, and they bring with them the knowledge and capability needed to see to the future of the galaxy.

There will never been a better time to start playing Star Trek Online than during the Delta Recruitment event, which runs from April 2nd to May 21st. Characters made during this time will be Delta Recruits, and they will earn a host of new benefits and rewards to aid them in their leveling experience.

Delta Recruits are specifically designed to rapidly close the gap that exists between new characters and characters that have been in Star Trek Online for years. It’s the most new-player friendly the game has been in almost two years, and the perfect time to join the community of Star Trek Online.

Delta Recruits have a secondary responsibility, and that is to prepare themselves, their crews, and their entire factions for the coming Iconian War. A mysterious benefactor, an experienced captain traveling back in time, will contact all Delta Recruits during their faction’s tutorial and inform them of the opportunities not to be missed during their career. Each faction’s own temporal agency can confirm that what this person said is true, and will guide them using the Delta Recruit window, a new UI element that appears near the Mission Tracker.

Delta Recruits will be playing a parallel story to that of their chosen faction. They have a list of goals that they can achieve at any time, and completing these goals will see them rewarded with equipment, Marks, and other rewards beneficial not just to the Delta Recruit, but to all characters on the same account. Completing the story arcs of your chosen faction will reward you with a unique Starship Trait for all characters on your account: Temporal Insight. This trait will proc a Damage Immunity when you use any Hull Heal on your starship.

Delta Recruits can only be created during the Delta Recruit event. These recruits can be recognized by the Delta Symbol (∆) next to their names. All Delta Recruits will have an inherent bonus trait during the Delta Recruit Event of generating Dilithium Ore upon defeating enemies, a bonus which extends to your entire group. This trait will only be available during this event and will be gone once the Delta Recruitment event ends, so gather your Dilithium Ore while you can!

Additional rewards are gained by leveling up, playing through story content up through the Breen story arc, and finding special Delta Recruit objectives on certain mission maps. Many of the same things that players do while levelling their characters will earn Delta Recruits improved rewards!

Finally, during the first six weeks of the seven-week Delta Recruit event, there will be server wide goals that only Delta Recruits can contribute to, but by accomplishing these goals, they unlock bonuses for the entire server for the whole of the next week of the event! For example, in the first week of the event, every Episode First Run that Delta Recruits complete will count towards the goal. How many First Runs they complete will determine the bonus of the week-long event running in Week 2. You will have either a 1.5x XP bonus, a 2x XP bonus, or possibly even a 2.5x XP bonus for the entire week!

There’s far too many bonuses and rewards available to list them all here, so get ready to make your Delta Recruit (all accounts are getting one extra free character slot), and keep watching between now and April 2nd for more information.
2 people liked this
Edited March 09 2015 by Unknown Person


Delta Recruitment Event

March 09 2015
Groundception is what it sounds like to me.
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Delta Recruitment Event

March 09 2015
Gaaahhhhh, guess that time I put in levelling a new character during the bonus XP event should really have been spent elsewhere. I'll probably delete him since he's not fully levelled and try levelling a Delta recruit instead. Interesting event concept. I generally like the idea.
Joseph Leyland


Delta Recruitment Event

March 09 2015
I just finished a bloody Romulan! Which faction and career are we all going? Maybe it's time for a Delta fleet?
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
I have a Romulan Tac that I've been neglecting, I think I'll delete him and run a new one or maybe a Rommie engineer. The idea of a faster leveling track, unique story line and getting dilithium for killing NPC's appeals to me greatly. The account-wide space trait looks pretty awesome as well.


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
I agree with the others in my frustration over creating/leveling new toons... Will most definitely be creating a few in this jump (1 each faction likely).

I think it is about damn time they incorporated a temporal aspect to the game again. How is it that the Temporal Agents have been sitting on their collective backsides, if such a damaging threat to the time line like the Iconians has been stirring.

The Iconian War.

I like the idea of a Delta Fleet, but don't know if it is practical with our current levels. Perhaps some forum ribbons? Participants of the Iconian War, Delta Recruits, Pre-War Veterans... I may end up 'killing off' a few old toons, and create their "children" though I know the 'timeline' of STO wouldn't support much of that.
Unknown Person liked this
Sej @Ereiid


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
Quote by Dralthcaan
I agree with the others in my frustration over creating/leveling new toons... Will most definitely be creating a few in this jump (1 each faction likely).

I'll be frank - incentivizing new alts doesnot address post-DR grind for current, active players. If anything, it's contrarian.

It's a simple post-DR truism; any alts detract from progressing already existing characters.

Point is, this is to entice new players, or long-retired players. Otherwise, it's a timesink away from toons you've already invested in.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited March 10 2015 by Ereiid
Chris Mello


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
Had I known I would have waited to make the alt I made a few weeks ago.


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
Guess it's time to finally make my Talaxian. Will seem weird logging into STO again.


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
I agree it is a timesink, but no different to anything else and to be honest, I need something to sink some life back into me and the game... I have spent a lot of money on the Delta content but feel the grind was too much.

The Romulan Engineer I have just created with @knightchucky will now get less investment until I see what this new feature list is like. I don't want to spend resources on a toon that might get deleted.

If we are to start creating new alts and try to level together I would be all for developing a 'training school' so to speak. A coalition of people to spear head and lead the teams into the levelling process, across timezones. It seems like the initial content to the Breen missions will remain unchanged, so for the early stages we all wont be reading the content fresh and having to keep pace with the slowest reader.

I intend to roll an Engineer. I expect it will be a Fed Engineer and also a Romulan Engineer (possibly KDF) to replace the Romulan I just rolled.

I don't see at this stage a need for a new fleet for these toons as we have capacity across our Fed and KDF fleets, however we could recommend they be placed in Legion? It might give us a chance to give that fleet a boost in progression.

If this is done well I think it might give us old hands a chance to get into the roots of the game again, though I can see it pulling us away from our primary toon and investing time in an alt, this might be good it might not be. ;)
Unknown Person liked this


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
After skimming the official thread, I read a few posts mentioning an extra character slot that we will get with the event. It was 20 pages at the time and I really didn't feel like poring over them all to find details, though.
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Michael Minks-Bungard


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
Well..... this sounds like a party already...

Kiera Skylar


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
guess I'll make my federation character then and work on him during the event... oh well, I'd been considering it anyway, since playing a federated romulan just give me interactions with romulan specific characters and some starfleet npcs, it's become far less exciting than at the start, much more like I'm impersonating a federation captain.
Alain Rojas


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
Imma be in! :woohoo:

This would be my 5th character since the game started. I was happy with my lone main character for years & it took Legacy of Romulus and now Delta Recruitment to get me exited to make more. Although my other alts are only at levels 54 & 55.

Parallel story elements, account wide starship trait unlock and other other prizes sold it to me. The fact that everything I crafted at level 1 yesterday in preparation for this event came up purple grade, has me giddy with anticipation of seeing sumthin' turn gold! :lol:
Edited March 11 2015 by Ngagecloak
Rayne MacGeorge


Delta Recruitment Event

March 10 2015
I will create at least 1 new Delta Recruit toon for the event. I've only got 2 (so far) so it won't be "too" big of a deal, but it should be very interesting. Could be very fun.


Delta Recruitment Event

March 11 2015
Huh, I don't have a Romulan Engineer yet, but if this makes my Romulan Tac and Sci obsolete, not to mention my Starfleet and KDF obsolete, I'll be a bit miffed lol
Andrea Maria


Delta Recruitment Event

March 11 2015
Quote by Keioel
Huh, I don't have a Romulan Engineer yet, but if this makes my Romulan Tac and Sci obsolete, not to mention my Starfleet and KDF obsolete, I'll be a bit miffed lol

Umm... who gave you THAT idea? Just asking...

Although I´ve created a Romulan engineer on kdf side only a few days ago (I want to build a tank Scimitar) I´ll create another new character for the event.

A fed ground kitty would be nice. :)
Edited March 11 2015 by AndreaMaria


Delta Recruitment Event

March 11 2015
I made the mistake of visiting Cryptics forums while reading up on the upcoming Paladin in Neverwinter and popped into STO and started reading the hysterics lol

Quote by Andrea Maria
Quote by Keioel
Huh, I don't have a Romulan Engineer yet, but if this makes my Romulan Tac and Sci obsolete, not to mention my Starfleet and KDF obsolete, I'll be a bit miffed lol

Umm... who gave you THAT idea? Just asking...

Delta Recruitment Event

March 11 2015
I'll be creating a new alt, but mainly just for the account wide rewards and perks. Really not sure I need another character to level and grind up.


Delta Recruitment Event

March 11 2015
Quote by NicholasJohn16
I'll be creating a new alt, but mainly just for the account wide rewards and perks. Really not sure I need another character to level and grind up.

We all need new characters :P 23 currently, 4 more on the way :o .......