
Nick Swinford

Nick Swinford's Photos

Showed up at my door with a cut on her chest and a wounded leg. #dog

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Unknown Person
It could be a changeling! :p It's so cute!

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no! poor dab... how old is it do you think? what will you do with it now?

We're taking her to the vet tomorrow. She's just a puppy. After she's well, probably drop her off at the pound. My nephew's #dog is enough dog for me.

I feel as though you need to keep her...

Unknown Person
Aw shes adorable.
Your newphew's #dog will just have to share your love :)

She's a really sweet dog. Very friendly and loving, but she's not actually that cute. I thought she was a skunk when I first saw her and sometimes I'm still not sure.

Unknown Person
You smell like a skunk so it's a match made in heaven! #keepthedog #skunksarepeopletoo #skunklove #nicksbodyodor #dog

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Unknown Person
See if you can find a local rescue/shelter program that will take her. The vets you take her to might know of some. The pound will eventually euthanize her, right?

Tsar Agus

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